Friday, October 2, 2015

The Thank You Economy + Why I Love Gary Vaynerchuk

The Thank You Economy + Why I Love Gary Vaynerchuk

The Thank You Economy + Why I Love Gary Vaynerchuk from Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee

The Thank You Economy + Why I Love Gary Vaynerchuk

  1. 1. TheTh an kY ou onyoove Ecnd wh i l my a rchuk Gary Vayne
  2. 2. Gary Vaynerchuk’s newbook comes out today.
  3. 3. Gary Vaynerchuk’s newbook comes out today.Disclaimer:I haven’t read it yet.But, I already know I love it.Here’s why...
  4. 4. ex hib it a
  5. 5. On June 4th Gary blogged that hewas looking for designers tocome up with a cover for hisupcoming book.He received a lot of criticism assome people didn’t like the idea ofhaving to do work upfront and notget paid for it.Some had valid points,some just didn’t get it.
  6. 6. I was on the train with acoworker on the way backhome after a busy fewdays of meetings.I told him all about thecontest and how I wasgoing to submit an entry.Like most of my designerfriends he thought it was astupid idea and went backto watching his movie.I kept working.
  7. 7. It took me about 2 hours to complete.I’ve seen Gary speak 3 times, read all his blog posts,watched his videos and he’s replied to all my tweets.It’s almost like I had to do this for him.I submitted my design.
  8. 8. I got an email a few months ago from Gary’s team sayingthanks for taking the time to design a cover but unfortunatelythey had decided to go in another direction.Bummer.
  9. 9. I went to go see Garyspeak yesterday in myhometown of Toronto andgot my hands on his book.
  10. 10. I went to go see Garyspeak yesterday in myhometown of Toronto andgot my hands on his book.Look what’s in the back.A full 1/4 page!Score!!
  11. 11. I went to go see Garyspeak yesterday in myhometown of Toronto andgot my hands on his book.Look what’s in the back.A full 1/4 page!Score!! That’s a pretty serious smile on my face.
  12. 12. ex hib it b
  13. 13. I booked a trip to attend the South by Southwestinteractive festival to see Gary and connect withsome of the greatest minds online.The total costs: $2,275
  14. 14. I uploaded a presentationon slideshare last weekwith a proposal.I was going to provide asummary of who I wasmeeting and what I waslearning every day onslideshare.Those who could donate tohelp cover my costs wouldget a shoutout on mypresentations.
  15. 15. To my surprise I raised all the funds inless than 24 hours.Support came entirely from my followerson Twitter and on slideshare.
  16. 16. I received a lot of notes like this one:“Thanks for all the greatpresentations! Youve mademe at least 10x better,so the least I can do isdonate.” - Peter
  17. 17. Although I haven’t readthe book yet (I will today), Iknow we’re living in thehumanization of business,or as Gary puts it:The Thank You Economy.

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