Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Use Photography for Great Presentations

How to Use Photography for Great Presentations

How to Use Photography for Great Presentations from lynda.com

 How to Use Photography for Great Presentations

  1. 1. How to Use Photography for Great Presentations
  2. 2. Incorporating photos and videos into your PowerPoint decks can greatly enhance a presentation. Find out how
  3. 3. Photos and videos allow you to illustrate concepts. SAYING “TEAMWORK” SHOWING TEAMWORK Teamwork. Teamwork.
  4. 4. A strong visual becomes a memory trigger so your audience is more likely to remember your presentation later.
  5. 5. Text-heavy slides can be forgettable and hard to follow. Strong visuals help your audience retain key points.
  6. 6. Always look for a dominant area in the photo you’re using—so your viewer knows exactly where to look.
  7. 7. This photo lacks a dominant area.
  8. 8. A good photo will guide the viewer’s eyes to your main point.
  9. 9. Using photos with a shallow to medium depth of field can draw the viewer’s eyes where you want it to go.
  10. 10. Just remember this: when selecting photos, simplicity is the best choice.
  11. 11. Why does this photo work? • Eyes are drawn to the surfer • The line of the water guides your eyes across the page
  12. 12. Why does this photo work? • We’re naturally drawn to looking at other people • Then we’ll focus on the other visual elements and how they relate to the content
  13. 13. Learn more about using photos in your PowerPoint presentations, including: Watch Now! • working with transparency • removing the background from a photo • designing slides with a grid • where to find royalty-free photos

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